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Stephanie Cannon What you've taught me July 28, 2012


In the last few day’s you have taught me so much. You have taught me to LOVE. To love my family and my friends and to love strangers. To show compassion and always look people in the eye. To speak from the heart and never to miss an opportunity to hug someone.  To be humble and honest. Cayla you have taught me to not rush through bedtime, even when I’m tired, but to cherish every moment God has given me. Cayla you have taught me to tell people that I love them and cherish them every day, to pray, to smile more often, and to laugh. To not worry so much about cleaning, and being on time.  You have shown me the strength in family, the love and goodness in strangers, and the mercy of God. Cayla, You will always be in my heart and I will strive to live as you did, in love.
your Cousin, Stephanie

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